The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, what is experience? It is a word used to describe the transmutation of some personal events into higher wisdom – or at least, it is what experience should be about. Through your personal experience, you validate or disprove certain assumptions or belief systems. A belief system is only helpful if it can bring about the positive results that it has been designed for.

“Love should be the outcome of any experience. Love is the fuel of creation and whenever such a supreme fuel is absent, the well functioning of life organism is impaired. Even a negative experience can bring about higher values in your being. Hurts inflicted by others have to be forgiven. This is how love can impregnate such painful events and release their victims from their pain and suffering. Your Master Jesus had to deal with such very intense occurrences. He was a Being of Light and yet He was subjected to atrocities and ill-intended attacks on His being. By successfully addressing these challenges, He truly demonstrated that He was connected to True Love, the most authentic form of love there is. True Love is a tested love—tested to the max.

“The Prince of Peace was also the Prince of Forgiveness and the Prince of Love. Peace, Love and Forgiveness constitute a powerful trio. Forgiveness generates Peace as it cancels all the unsettling elements of anger, resentment, bitterness and the desire to get even. Forgiveness truly sets the heart free to be a greater conduit of love. True Love is firmly anchored in the Source of All Love and is constantly being replenished by this Source.

“Life experiences are very personal. They affect you and demand that you respond to them adequately. This is why the process of trials and errors—as well as of successes and triumphs—is to be part of the experiential package. Errors demonstrate to you the outworking of the Law of Cause and Effect. Sometimes it is hard for a human being to discern whether a decision will bear good or bad fruits. It takes a courageous soul to take a leap of faith and venture into unknown territories. Time will tell; the outcome will tell. Once the painful lesson has been learned, some wisdom can be extracted from it that will transmute a difficult experience into some positive side effects. One of the resulting blessings is strength of character as it is not easy for someone to God-victoriously emerge from difficult times.

“Embrace the fact that the fruits of Spirit are seeded on various types of soil. Sometimes the soil has to be tilled and fertilized so that it can start bringing forth a precious harvest. Challenging experiences are the manure which enriches your personality. Embrace them instead of resisting them as they entail precious lessons which could not be otherwise mastered. This is the reason why so many beings are envious of your status of Agondonters—those who believe without seeing. Your faith has been tested—over and over—and you are becoming more and more worthy of the Father’s trust."

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