The Inner Sherpa



“Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do that with all your might.” [Hebrew proverb – UB 133:8:3]

Thought Adjuster: “There are days when you have to perform menial tasks that fail to catch your fancy due to their lack of intellectual or emotional appeal. You carry them out dutifully, though mindlessly and half-heartedly, blaming such disenchanting chores for your lack of enthusiasm.

Yet these duties are character-building opportunities. By discharging them whole-heartedly, you transmute them into unique offerings on the altar of your life. Anything that fosters soul growth has intrinsic value. A positive attitude keeps at bay the accelerated depletion of your energetic quota triggered by boredom.

In the course of his life, Jesus never resented the dullness of some of the functions he had to execute. He maintained a cheerful and upbeat demeanor by turning these obligations into opportunities to practice mindfulness and role model attitudes fit for spiritual royalty—noblesse oblige.

In its downtimes, life provides you with golden opportunities to integrate the lessons imparted by intense crisis situations. Rest and recreation are part of the balancing act of a well-rounded personality. If you feel restless during low-times, such discomfort is symptomatic that you need to alter your frame of mind.

Life may not run smoothly on the outside, but it can do so on the inner if you remain grounded in peace, as Jesus did, showering all with the peace that emanated from his majestic presence.”

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