The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about the survival of the fittest. This seems harsh at first to observe that life on this planet is and has always been competitive at so many levels throughout its evolutionary history.

“Yet, you could also look at it from the perspective that the Father’s creative Vision necessitates many stages of formation—each stage being the scaffolding for the next one.

“Whenever a house is being built, various teams of skilled workers participate in the process. First to arrive are those who clear the land and lay the foundation. They then leave the construction site to make room for the next teams—the carpenters, the electricians, the plumbers…etc.

“After performing their assigned tasks, the scaffoldings are being dismounted and each team cleans up after itself and leaves the premises removing all traces of its physical presence—except for the results of its labor. The fact that they appear to have become “extinct” does not mean that the phase of their co-creative endeavors was expendable. Far from that, it was a necessity.

“In each human life, there are many episodes of the laying of foundations. The parental education received by children is very foundational for the success of their lives. The lack thereof is detrimental. Next, the children will be the recipients of general and specialized educations, etc.

“In the course of a human life, one encounters also much competition—within and without. Individuals have to learn to subjugate their lower instincts and to express their higher Self. This is what qualifies an individual to become the best he/she can be. It does not happen without the setting of higher intentions and the efforts to fulfill them. In nature, the principle of the survival of the fittest has been recognized for a long time. It is obvious that its objective is to develop the highest quality of creatures able to sustain themselves in challenging environments—rather than weaklings.

“Nature itself is able to identify instinctively what has some survival value and what has none. The human womb at times naturally expels embryos that are unfit for life. There are safety valves in place all over the universes to insure optimal evolution. Truly, everything has a purpose and a meaning. A master work can only come about if it uses the best materials available so that its beauty can be eternally enduring.

“Strive in your life to look at your challenges with grateful eyes as they are the invisible sculptors that little by little make your beautiful personality and potentials emerge from the stone age of your being. They also are a necessary part of your ascension kit. The ascension process requires much perseverance and endurance. Yet, each soul has been equipped for such an adventure. What it takes is to willingly activate the spiritual muscles that are atrophied in so many due to lack of exercise. It may be difficult and cause soreness at first as it happens to a beginner athlete on his/her first workout session. But through regular conditioning, many benefits will come to the dedicated athlete.”

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