The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, we know that you feel our energetic presence right now. Yes, we are here with you. As you were reflecting earlier, in the same way people build their dream house and infuse it with love and beautiful details, you can create and manifest your life vision.

“What is lacking to so many on this world is this sense of visioning regarding their life intentions. So many are in the dark about their life purpose and live unaware of their God-given skills. These very skills are in alignment with the vision of the Father for your life. This is that simple. They are clues--very visible clues if you only take the time to investigate the aspects of who you are.

“What makes a chair a chair among other things is that it has four legs and a back. What makes a stool a stool is that it has three legs and no back. You would never think of using a stool for back support as it was not conceived for back rest. Yet, it is not useless. Once you discover for instance that you can climb on it to reach higher shelves or that you can use it as a foot rest, it will become valuable to you and you will put it to good use in your life.

“In his long range vision, the Father has created each one of you with a specific eternal purpose. How amazing is that? The Father knows what He intended with your life manifestation. He gifted your personality with unique traits, intended to take you to the fulfillment of your life purpose. In order to get you there, He also provided you with an education system to help you come into your own.

“Do not compare yourself to others as you will never measure up to them in the specific areas of their God-given uniqueness. Just the same, they will never measure up with you in your own areas of mastery. Go within so that your Divine Fragment can share with you what is needed for your actual state of spiritual growth. He has the key to your being. He knows the secret code to unlock your inner treasures. Trust in His guidance and enroll Him to help you co-create the divine vision for your life.

“The more you come into alignment with your unique life purpose, the more you are at ease with whom you are and the more you get to taste the inner peace which comes with being an harmonious being. Being harmonious is being in harmony within yourself and such an inner harmony is also reflected in your outer world. As within, so without.

“Learn to sit on this amazing spiritual stool that is provided to you when you turn to the Trinity for advice. Each leg of the stool is needed to keep it stable. They have to be same length and at the right location and angle.

“Each member of the Trinity partnership is essential to your spiritual balance. You can call upon each one of Them for guidance. They will help you find your inner balance. Whenever you are in a state of mental, emotional, and physical balance, you are becoming a perfect divine instrument that the Father can use in His divine toolbox. He may use you for menial tasks or He may use you for specific missions. It is His prerogative to choose how to integrate you in His divine vision. Yours is to rejoice in the fact that you are being of service as each loving act of service has a tremendous weight in the scale of cosmic service. Do not try to emulate other tools as you would not succeed. A screwdriver is used to drive screws but is totally infective as a paintbrush.

Find your intended purpose and you will find your fulfillment.”

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