Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, free will is an amazing force. Will power is truly what puts everything into action – from a mere intention to its manifestation.
“Without applying will power, nothing would ever get accomplished. The issue with your world is that this precious free will power has been unleashed as a potentially very destructive force by the Lucifer Rebellion.
“Lucifer’s claim of independence from the Divine Circuit initiated a generalized system malfunction that affected the many layers of your reality. He threw a monkey wrench in the machine and much chaos resulted from it as free will, when separated from the Father’s Will, is a force of destruction.
“Isn’t it amazing that there is within you a powerful force of harmonization or of chaos? Whenever the free will serves the small ego, it instantly creates separation and hampers the free flow of co-creation with the Divine.
“Go within to scrutinize your most intimate intentions in order to detect any misguided will power as an ego centered use of your will power would not support you.
“Our morning connection in the Stillness of your heart is a time of orientation. By coming to Me, you are stepping out of your ego and looking at it from the perspective of it being part of the whole, rather than being self-sufficient.
“The birth of the planet into Light and Life is truly a Clash of the Titans—a clash of great magnitude when ego centered will powers are clashing against God centered will powers. Whenever you defect to the Divine Side of the coin, so to speak, you increase your own power manifold as you are participating in the powerful cosmic synergy.
“Whenever you strive to promote your own self-centered agenda at the expense of others, you divest yourself from the help of Spirit and you are on your own – which is not a feeling conductive to joy and bliss.
“The trick in that heavenly battle is to use discernment to wisely pick and chose the objectives of your will power. Whenever human beings separate from their divine Source, they loose the ability to recharge their spiritual batteries and will eventually run out of healthy energies; this will result in dis-eases at many levels of their being.
“Doesn’t it sound much easier to ask for daily input from the Divine? The Divine is in the know of the Master Plan that includes you. You do matter in the big scheme of things but your permission needs to be freely given in order to enlist you and for you to become optimally operative in the battle of the wills. The more awakening souls defect from the darkness to join the Army of Light, the more power they will generate to dispel the darkness.
“Be a Light Worker, Be a Light Warrior!”