The Inner Sherpa



“Real families are built upon tolerance, patience, and forgiveness.” {UB 1604:06]

Thought Adjuster: “You do live in very chaotic times. Many conflicting emotions are expressed, personalities clash, people denigrate each other, and some of you promote hate and violence without a second thought. None of these behaviors are fosteringhope for better days.

Indeed, “real families are built upon tolerance, patience, and forgiveness.” Add to that mix a healthy dose of love, compassion, and empathy and you will obtain a very potent formula on how to peacefully resolve the many unavoidable human conflicts.

The emotional chemistry of the first emotional formula is dangerously volatile while the elements of the second one arethe only onesable to coalesce in lasting peace and provide hope for a brighter future.

It is time for the family of men to behave as such. It is time to treat each other as siblings. It is time to bury the hatchet of discord and to do a peace dance around the Bonfire of Spirit!

It is time to take a good look at yourself and seriously tackle your own self-mastery project. This will surely steer you away from pontificating the behaviors you deem unfit in others. This will soothe you inwardly and will also reveal to you your better side—the part of you that can be a positive force in your world.

The missing link in your human relationships is your connection with Spirit. All religions advocate the Golden Rule. Why do you think they have that common denominator? It is because it is the one and only way to bring lasting Peace on Earth—walking in each other footwear.

Become such a Pilgrim on the Trail of Earthly Life. This Trail will not be interrupted by your transition to other realms. No, the Golden Rule is forever the rule of thumb in all relationships—within your own species and interspecies. Apply it to yourself as well. The practice of patience, tolerance and forgiveness starts within.”

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