The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have heard the statement ‘you are not the center of the universe.’ Yet, in some way, you are. What do I mean by that?

“Your perception encompasses what is ‘real’ to you—your personal experience. It can only stem from your specific time-space location in the vast multiverse. In that sense, you have multiple choices as to how to play your part in your personal galaxy.

“Are you a living sun or a dying star? How do you take care of the myriad of satellite relationships that orbit around you just as many astral bodies and planets whirl around the sun?

“Become aware of the key position you hold at the center of your own universe. Being the center implies that you exert a centrifugal force on those who are within your range of influence.

“Your emotional heart is rightfully considered the core of your being. It is from this place of love that you function optimally and according to the divine Great Plan. Your being has been meant to be Love in Action—thus positively impacting your personal micro-universe.

“Each one of you stands at the center of his or her own world. Yet, just as the planets harmoniously interact in their journey around the sun—and in their even greater journey within the super-universe—you are meant to harmoniously cooperate with one another in a beautiful relationship dance.

“So much has to be reformed from your central vantage point in order to prevent the sadly so common Clashes of the Titans—overinflated egos that invade the ‘planetary’ space of other small individual worlds and destructively collide with them.

“Dear ones, practice sending love from the core of your being to the far corners of your personal realm of influence—just as the Father does from His abode in Paradise. You are powerful beings if you act in Love.”

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