The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought just came to your mind that happiness occurs when you are in total alignment with your life purpose. Yes, this is true. This is the reason why there is no competition, but collaboration, between the myriads of beings created by the Father to be of service in His multi-universes.

“Some of these beings are created in perfection and never desire to change their way of being as they are completely fulfilled by the service they render in their unique God given capacity. Human beings have yet to realize that they could enjoy the same fulfilling and blissful state of loving cooperation. Each one of you has been endowed with their specific life plan. Sadly enough, very few have been able so far to identify their life purpose.

“In the big scheme of things, you all are searching for happiness in your lives and you set happiness as the purpose of your life. Happiness is a state of mind, a state of heart, which is felt when you get the feeling of “mission accomplished”. This feeling bubbles up in your being as a validation that you have found alignment with your Higher Self, your Higher Purpose.

“Human beings tend to compare themselves with others and, by doing so, they tend to see their lacks instead of their blessings. Celestials do not function that way as they are not conflicted in their being. They were created in perfection and have no doubt about their life purposes. They also know how to function harmoniously in groups and use that amazing synergy to achieve their common purpose. Each being has individuality and personality but they are appreciative of their mutual beauty and truly supportive of one another.

“Human beings have to acquire more experience at that level. Group efforts produce amazing results that are impressive for all of them. They enable greater achievements. Learn to be supportive of one another in your strengths as they are meant to serve the whole. Group happiness will result from such an attitude and it is an exponential happiness that has not been tasted much so far on this planet.

The Father is truly a multi-tasker. Yet, He does that in Oneness.”

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