The Inner Sherpa



“When you enter the kingdom, you are reborn. You cannot teach the deep things of the spirit to those who have been born only of the flesh: first see that men are born of the spirit before you seek to instruct them in the advanced ways of the spirit.” [UB Paper 141, Section 6]
Thought Adjuster: “As you read about the life and teachings of Jesus, the thought came to you that your Heavenly Father has set in place a very liberal ‘emigration policy’ as far as His Kingdom is concerned. Indeed, the only borders preventing His creatures from becoming full-fledged citizens of His Kingdom consist in the walls they erect within themselves—in their hearts, minds, and spirits.
“Even though all of you can apply for citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven, you cannot sneak your way across its pearly gates. If your spiritual credentials are in order and your heart is sincere, your citizenship will be speedily processed, as you have already been born of the Spirit, thus being adopted into the divine family circle. There are no sibling rivalries in Heaven. There is no place there for hostile competition—only for brotherly cooperation.
“Dear ones, a place for you has been reserved in the Kingdom of Heaven at the time of your coming into being. It is an open-ended reservation, as eternity does not have expiration dates. However, there is a sense of urgency connected with the unknown ‘shelf-life’ of your physical body. You need to postulate here and now for your residency in higher realms. All it takes is the heartfelt Pledge of Allegiance—the personal pledge to do your very best to abide by the Golden Rule.
“By entering into that covenant, you will instantly cross over the invisible demarcation line that is within your heart and start living as a citizen of the Kingdom, being simultaneously appointed as one of its precious ambassadors. What are you waiting for?”

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