The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, let us talk about Life Insurance. What do I mean by that? Your planet seems to be ridden with hazardous conditions—at many levels. Based on the symptoms of fear and anxiety that are attached to these conditions, some of your societies have elaborated complex insurance and warranty policies as well as contractual obligations: You insure your life, you health, your home, your mortgage, your burial, your credit cards, your travels, your pets, your cars, etc.; you also subscribe to all kind of warranties on your material equipment and devices. You are being bombarded by such offers and they all stress the risks and hazards of living on your planet without adequate insurance coverage. Is that the Heaven on Earth envisioned by the Father for His children of time? The answer is obvious.

“Subscribing to this type of fear-based thinking is not serving your highest good. It is rather stepping up the rampant planetary paranoia as everyone is striving to be sustainable in spite of all these worse case scenarios brought to their awareness.

“There is only one Life Insurance that the Father has in mind for you: The assurance that eternal life is an option for each one of you—a non-monetary and non-negotiable option. At your first moral decision, the Father bestowed upon you a Fragment of Himself to experience life through your individual facet of life. Yours is the free will choice to collaborate with your Divine Guide – or not. Your willing collaboration is your Eternal Life Insurance Policy, your ticket to eternal life in Higher Realms.

“If you intentionally make life decisions based on inequity, you are rendering your inner environment unbearable for your Indwelling Spirit; you are actually committing spiritual suicide as you are destroying within yourself anything of survival value: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. You are literally cutting off your umbilical cord to the Divine and aborting your embryonic soul.

“Dear ones, rather than over focusing on the hazards of your world, turn your attention to their silver linings—to the opportunities of soul growth they are presenting you. Your upbeat attitude is an essential element in your ascension process. Your eternal Divine Companion is your Guide to Higher Realms—your free-for-all Divine Insurance Policy. Subscribe to it wholeheartedly and all your worries will dissipate.”

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