The Inner Sherpa



“The Father’s love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man’s personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows.” [UB 1289:03]

Thought Adjuster: “You have the saying that ‘Love is blind.’ It would be more appropriate to say that infatuation is blind. True Love is not blind; it is unconditional. What does it mean? In regard to your heavenly Father, it means that the Love He feels for His imperfect creatures is full strength in spite of their current state of imperfection.

“Parents love their little ones and through their loving eyes are convinced that they are most beautiful and perfect. Such is the power of Love. It zooms in on the good and by so doing, overlooks and makes allowances for the not so good. In the eyes of Love, the pros by far exceed the cons.

“Each human creature has been endowed with amazing potentials. The Father knows them, promotes their development, and rejoices in the Beauty that will eventually be manifested to its full expression by the maturing creature.

“Learn to look at one another this way. Rather than zooming in on the character flaws of others and looking down at them with contempt and a sentiment of superiority, you can select to zoom in on to their qualities and look up at them with love and respect. The same connection contains both potentialities. You are the one to decide which one will be manifested—separation or unification; isolation or collaboration.

“The Father loves you freely, no strings attached. His Love is meant to flow through you toward others and your life environment. It transforms you in the process as it unfailingly raises your vibratory frequencies. Eventually your being will radiate such a higher quality of Love and the Father will be able to reach down to His children with you and through you. Such a Love is magical as it is amazingly transformative. It sprinkles its magic dust on everything it touches and brings it to Life and Light.”

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