The Inner Sherpa



Guardian Angel: “We accompany you, and we know you very intimately. We were appointed from on High asyour Guardian of Destiny, and it was a celebratory occasion for us. Just as you wish to be of higher service, so do we. Guardian Angels without anyone to guard, feel very unfulfilled, and are eager to enter into the service for which they have been conceived and coached—their sacred calling.

“We know everything about you, as we work in close association with your Divine Indweller who holds the blueprint of your perfected being. We do our utmost to orchestrate situations that will propel you forward on your spiritual path, acting as foundational experiences while in your physical embodiment.

“As well, be assured that we feel a deep inner resonance with you. It is how friendships develop. Genuine friendships make you feel as you always knew each other. It is how we feel about you, and our friendship will go on after you cross the threshold to your afterlife. We will be there waiting for you!

“By setting the daily intention to live with awareness, you greatly facilitate our collaboration, as it conditions you to pick up on meaningful growth opportunities of service. As well, we greatly rejoice when you include us in your intentions—just as we include you in ours. It synergizes our partnership and yields welcome results.

“We are rooting for you, as we are placing all our bets on you. Your success is our success. Keep it in mind whenever you feel challenged. Keep on keepingon, and you will not regret having persevered.”

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