The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: “You read about My ‘post-mortem’ apparitions to various groups of My followers. After I ascended in My spiritual form, I kept My promise to return to spend some more time with them.

“You were wondering how you could encounter Me, knowing that My Spirit of Truth dwells right within you. What does it take to establish that precious one-to-one connection successfully?

“It is as simple as opening your heart to receive—just as those I appeared to welcomed Me back with open hearts once they identified who I was. The Technique of the Open Heart is the most effective of all. You can initiate such a life-changing opening by “asking” to “receive.”

“What made a massive difference in My former travel companions was the moment when they stopped viewing Me as a stranger and came to the sudden realization that I was their friend. Indeed, an open-heart has no reservations, as it expects a friend—not a stranger.

“Open your heart to My Presence. You wish I could give you a progress report of sorts and some personal guidance. It requires that you open both your heart and your mind. Truth is received in the heart to be decoded by the mind—or vice versa. How often do you experience subtle emotions and feel the need to articulate them to fully understand what you are going through?

“I do speak to the heart, but these heart experiences can be shared through the descriptive qualities of the spoken or written words. They open up a wider channel of communication—passing the baton of truth to those eager to partake in the spiritual journey back to their Root—the Word Itself.”

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