The Inner Sherpa



‘Pride obscures God. If you would obtain heavenly help, put away your pride; every hair of pride shuts off saving light, as it were, by a great cloud.’ [UB 1451:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the above quote is packed with gems of wisdom and therefore of higher guidance. Indeed, wisdom is what allows you to make the right decisions in your life. Wisdom implies that you take time to reflect on your life experiences and to extract the lessons they contain. Life is indeed an experiential classroom.

“Pride stands in the way of being receptive to guidance. It is a ‘know-it-all’ attitude that shuts the heart and narrows the mind. It is a lack of introspection and a blatant projection on others of one’s overinflated ego. It is lacking the humility to recognize one’s own errors and misguided decisions. Therefore, the ‘blaming game’ is also intricately connected to prideful behaviors.

“The Father never blames. He understands. He knows everything about His creatures. It is a fact that He created many of them in a state of imperfection and will never hold that against them. Why do you treat your siblings differently? Why don’t you bless them with a similar attitude of compassion and understanding? You are walking in the very same human shoes and yet many of you lack empathy and compassion toward others—the very empathy that is extended to all of you by the Father.

“You are meant to become godlike. This is a powerful statement. Those are huge shoes to fit. Therefore, the blaming game needs to stop, starting with you. This implies a turnaround in attitude. This implies bypassing the volatile emotions of anger, outrage and hate, and moving quickly from your initial states of indignation—righteous or not—to a state of love and compassion toward yourself and others. Yes, you are part of the equation.

“By minding your own ‘inner business,’ you will come to realize that there is plenty for you to work on and that it is not yours to oversee the inner life of your companions. Yours is to inspire them to change by transforming and beautifying your own self.

“Pride is truly a self-generated smoke screen. It hides your authentic self and distorts the reality perceived through the smoke. There is no smoke without fire. Spend more time going within to put out the home fires with the living waters of Spirit. This will allow you to view life from a much brighter perspective. Isn’t it worth striving for? Soon, understanding how hard you have to work at your own healing, you will develop much compassion and respect toward those who also courageously process their human predicament, intending to rise from the ashes of their old self.”

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