Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that a closed heart knows no joy. This is definitely worth pondering. Joy is the energetic frequency that quickens the heart. It cannot be mentally summoned; it has to be felt as it is a feeling. Just as your mind has a memory and collects data to be put to good use, your heart has a memory of its own and can ‘resurrect’ feelings—bring them to the surface to be felt all over again.
“However, because the human experience is also extremely challenging, many difficult feelings—such as hate, bitterness, resentment, embarrassment, humiliation—frequently sneak undetected into your heart and squatter there. Whenever you provide them with an opportunity, they bobble up to the surface and pollute all over again your now moment. It is hard for human beings to know how to purge from their system such uncomfortable and festering emotions that seem to be handcuffed to their corresponding bad experiences and held captive in your memory bank.
“Logically, what it would take to free yourself from the dead weights that are hampering your emotional health would be to sever these invisible and yet very real ties that connect your mental memories to your emotional ones. It is done by objectively acknowledging them as past facts of your life and starving to death the emotions that are lingering in their shadow. Leave the painful past in the past and focus on the virgin territory of the present moment that has no emotional strings attached to it. Rather than allowing your mind to dictate your feelings, activate the intelligence of your heart so that it can pick and choose ‘at will’ feelings of higher vibrations.
“You have the expressions ‘to wear your feelings on your sleeve’ or ‘skin deep.’ What about wearing them ‘heart deep’? Only positive feelings have been intended to be the permanent residents of your heart. The more you focus on such positive feelings, the more you will experience a deep internal transformation. A true awakening is the awakening of the heart. The mind can be the forerunner by being open to higher revelations; yet they have to sink into the heart as it needs to be cracked wide open in order come to its full expression. The pressure of life challenges can act as a nutcracker but should not be allowed to crush the beautiful content of the heart that thus is being revealed.”