The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Benevolence. Benevolence is the disposition to do good to others—to wish them well. Its antonym is Malevolence. This planet is unfortunately the stage of much malevolence. Why would someone wish for bad things to happen to others? This is due to the hold of lasting grudges, to the failure of processing hurts in a sound manner, and to a lack of compassion.

“The Brotherhood of Man has been meant to be a state of planetary wide Benevolence and Compassion. This is how siblings should feel toward one another. Unfortunately very frequently, sibling rivalry—instead of being a positive driving force—becomes a roadblock in the establishment of enduring peace.

“’Be careful what you wish for’ also applies to relationships. Are you blessing others by wishing them the best or are you cursing them in the hope that they will struggle even more with their life circumstances? Are you rejoicing at their good fortune or at their setbacks?

“It is a very sad state of affairs when individuals draw joy and satisfaction from knowingly inflicting pain on others or from their suffering. It usually is symptomatic that the ill-wishers are not happy with their own lives and want companionship in their misery. This is truly very dysfunctional and no good can ever come out of such a mean and hostile attitude.

“Well-wishing equates to blessing someone with the best of intentions while ill-wishing equates to sending out curses. There are many challenging relational life situations when you have the opportunity to demonstrate that you are the “bigger man.” Whenever the desire to do good survives the challenges of an antagonistic relationship, positive evolution can occur. The well-wisher is also indirectly bringing blessings into his/her life. By letting go of grudges, the individual becomes truly empowered.

“This was the constant admonition of your Master Jesus while He lived on this grief stricken planet. “Turn the other check” was a revolutionary idea in those days when “an eye for an eye” had been the historical modus operandi. By turning the other cheek, a personchanges the steps of the human behavioral dance and temporarily throws his/her “dance partners” of balace, thus forcinghim/her to reevaluate his/her own behavior.

“Responding in kind to hurtful behaviors only serves to accelerate the downward spin into madness. Which type of individual do you wish to be in your own life circles? An Ambassador of Peace or a warmonger? By acting and reacting with awareness, you will be able to defuse all potential situations that could backfire and disrupt your own peace. Peace is the most precious inner commodity. Doesn’t it deserve to be protected at all costs?”

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