The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought came to your mind that true Love is a conglomerate as it is an emotional quality that results from the blending together of a multitude of other qualities. The Love ingredients are Patience, Kindness, Compassion, Benevolence, Humility, Respect, Altruism, Forgiveness, Sincerity, Truthfulness, Trust, Reliability, Hope, and Perseverance.

“When you ponder this spellbinding Love recipe, it will make you even more appreciative of the love you experience in your life. It truly should not and cannot be taken for granted. It is a magnificent gift made from priceless elements. As a human being you well know how difficult it is to master each one of these aspects of Love. The journey from imperfection to perfection is the learning process of mastering the obstacle course of life that helps you hone your spiritual skills and help co-create moment by moment a better you.

“Yes, dear ones, each moment is a new beginning as you are constantly changing into a ‘renewed’ you if you live consciously. Only spiritual laziness and procrastination freeze you in your tracks and prevents you from ‘metamorphosing.’

“Another essential component of Love is Action. It cannot be otherwise as Love is eternally flowing from the Father’s Heart. Love is never greedily held back as Love and Greed are totally incompatible. The only way to expand your abilities to love others is to act upon the love impulses you feel at the core of your being. Actions are what manifest Love. Lip service is not love. Action is the natural expression of Love.

“Go within, dear ones, and ponder which one of the love elements you need to cultivate so as to become well rounded in the expression of your love. Learn to substitute some detrimental mental patterns for better ones: respect for sarcasm, patience for anger, compassion for indifference… etc. This will unfailingly transform you from your very core; you, as well as your siblings, will very much appreciate the new you. You will be in harmony within and without yourself and you will help bring forth the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness that are also the offspring of True Love. ”

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