The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you empty your mind in meditation, visualize it as being an inviting flower upon which some exotic butterfly will come and sit—some colorful thought-form sent from above.

“This is the process of Receiving and Transmitting. You disengage yourself from your conscious mind and faithfully and patiently wait for that special butterfly to gently land on your mind. You then become the observer of the butterfly. Which message is it bringing to your mind? Such a message has a life of its own and is downloaded in your mind for you to articulate it—to translate it into your own words.

“Indeed, the process of Receiving/Transmitting is a process of ‘translation.’ Your mind becomes the docile translator and your hands on the keyboard are the scribe.

“Translating for others is not always an easy process, as you have to prevent your own opinion to subjectively influence the message you are taking down. An interpreter has to remain objective and unbiased. He has to be entirely reliable as to his allegiance to the one in need of his services.

“As you enter the Stillness with the intention to receive ‘meaning-filled’ messages, it is important that you do not have any expectations as to their content. Truth is an ongoing revelation of something you had not previously identified and yet that you immediately recognize as true—an inner deja-vu. Indeed, it triggers in you the strange feeling that in some way you already knew it. This is due to the fact that Truth is eternal—it belongs to the past, the present and the future.

“Let it sink in your mind for an instant. Truth shall set you free from all untruth—from all misrepresentations and misunderstandings that clutter your world—inner and outer. Ask for more truth; be on a constant quest for expanded understanding. Truth is the only transformative agent that is safe and that will pave the way toward your true self. Truth can be a difficult pill to swallow; yet, it should be a welcome one as it ALWAYS guides you in the right direction.

Be an eternal truth seeker! You live in an infinite and eternal universe. Its content in Truth is unfathomable and it will take an eternity and more to get to the bottom of it—if ever.

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