The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “A CB [Citizen’s Band] radio operator is jubilant when he finally connects with his intended target. In war times, many such operators had the very crucial assignments of scanning the air waves either to obtain inside information on the strategies designed by their enemy or by establishing contact with the friendly ears.

Whenever you intend to establish communication with higher spiritual circuits, much patience and perseverance are needed, as it may take more than one attempt to attune to their frequencies. It also requires that you raise your own frequencies.

Be assured, however, that Spirit is just as eager on Its end as you are on yours. Just as your air traffic controllers constantly scan their radar screen to detect any unusual activity, Spirit is also constantly scanning your human mind to detect any higher thinking.

Over time, a clearer and a more stable connection will be established, as you will have gotten ‘each other’s number’, so to speak—a more direct line of communication that will bypass intermediary switchboard operators or receptionists. It could be compared to being given the direct number to the presidential private line, having demonstrated that you are loyal and trustworthy.

Intend for such meaningful communications to take place. Keep working at honing your skills. The magical moment will assuredly come when your mind will plug itself in the right channel of communication. You will then be at the receiving end of precious information meant not only your yourself but for those who are in similar predicaments. You will indeed become a much-needed mouthpiece for Spirit—a humble spokesperson.”

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