The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “You could compare the Receiving Process to turning on your radio and selecting a high-quality program. You don’t know yet what will be diffused but you know that you are tuned in a valuable educational program without any hidden agendas in the form of boisterous and distracting advertising.

“Once you engage your mind in receiving our input, you are relaxed and taking in whatever input is flooding your mind as you know that it has been prepared to get your attention and bring you information that is pertinent to your life and to others as well.

“By making yourself available to take down the messages, you are becoming a Teacher Assistant, so to speak. You are sharing the wisdom with other thirsty souls and helping us plant seeds in their minds and hearts. Life will water and nurture these seedlings and one day, the effect of our collaboration will bring forth many amazing fruits—the Spiritual Garden of Eden will become a jewel of landscaping and such a beautiful cradle of the Civilization of Light and Life will keep expanding on previously arid spiritual territories.

“All those collaborating in that process will inspire others to join in as they too will be increasingly drawn to strip from their lives meaningless and fruitless activities—the activities that do not contribute to their soul growth.

“Everyone has to oversee their own inner and secret garden and has to take measures to eradicate any unpleasant traits so that all inner beauty can be magnified and unfold for all to behold. The Father has planted bazillions of exotic flowers in the Spiritual Garden of Eden—for all to bloom in their own season. The Father has set into motion an amazing and eternally unfolding botanical show. Shapes, colors, and fragrances are contributing to a blissful state that keeps the co-creative momentum going as each individual tenders his/her own plot and takes part in the magnificence of the Garden that is thus coming into existence”

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