The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Whether you are aware of it or not, I am the reason for your being and the reason of your being. Many of you live disconnected from that fundamental Truth. Sadly, they live without putting much thought in the underlying reason for their existence and, lacking such an important focus, they are drifting aimlessly on the surface of life.

Yet, whether My Presence is acknowledged or not, I am present nevertheless, and I constantly hold in My Heart and Mind the reason for your being—the divine purpose individually assigned to each one of you. Why would I go through the trouble of giving you a unique personality, if there was not something unique for you to contribute to the whole Cosmic Family?

Not to worry, I am resourceful and I will place clues on your path until such time when it will no longer be necessary for Me to speak to you in innuendos and symbols. It all depends on the degree of your receptivity. To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, I will speak straightforward. But to those who are distracted from their own self, I will speak in many disguised ways—using any opportunities to do so, until such time I get their undivided attention.

Each of one of you has experienced what you call ‘synchronicities’—moments whose timing was so perfectly orchestrated that it triggered deeper reflection within you, as they came as a much-needed answer to some deep personal preoccupation. It could have been a friend calling you out of the blue at a time of need; it could have been the lyrics of a song on the radio that spelled it out for you; it could have the words of wisdom spoken by a perfect stranger.

Indeed, whenever you are resisting My leadings, I will enter your life through a back door. It does not matter to Me that you call me by name. What matters is that you find your place in the flow of life. The more receptive you become, the less I will use go-betweens. Don’t you want to find out for yourself which confidences I have for your ears only? Indeed, your innate curiosity is another trait of your character that I will turn to My advantage—our mutual advantage.”

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