“The progressive comprehension of reality is the equivalent of approaching God.” [UB 2094:02]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you sit in the Stillness with an attitude of anticipation as to which message will land in your mind, Spirit is waiting for you to be in a state of complete receptivity. At times, this occurs right away as your morning mind is still infused by the remnants of the peace of a good night sleep. At other times, it may take more effort on your part as intrusive thoughts may prevent you from offering a clean slate to Spirit—the virgin blackboard needed for the Teacher to present His lesson.
“Indeed, it is all about receptivity and every one of you can reach that point of inner receptivity by ‘consistently’ applying themselves. Consistency is the key word here. Once you declare your intention to enroll in this spiritual classroom, you have to demonstrate that you genuinely mean it by setting a perfect attendance record. If you only once in a while show up in class, Spirit will know that do not take seriously your spiritual education, and your dedicated Teachers will retreat to the Teachers’ Lounge—disappointed and feeling unappreciated and taken for granted.
“As you are nearing the beginning of a new year, it is a very opportune time to reflect on what you would like to implement in your personal life. Many spiritual achievements are within your reach if you come to the conclusion that they are well worth of your wholehearted pursuit. Indeed, those who are lukewarm as to their objectives may never reach them due to their minimal investment.
“Set realistic goals for yourself and go after them! The setting of goals is not a onetime occurrence where your write them down on a piece of paper on a day when you are overflowing with good ‘intentions.’ Rather, you should recall them daily in your mind so as not to lose sight of them and end up filled with regrets as your reach yet another milestone at the end of the year.
“Evolution has been meant to be forward progression—not regression. Go within frequently in order to assess your progress. This is in your inner sanctum that you will connect with Spirit for much needed pep talks and guidance. You will unfailingly experience a difference in the quality of your life—your inner life will start bearing the fruits of Spirit and reflect itself positively on the outer. What is there to lose? Isn’t it a worthwhile endeavor?”