The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, as you are sending your love out to the Divine and consciously taking in the love coming your way, you are mentally visualizing yourself as being a LED light of some sort. You take in Love so that you can emit Love. The Divine constantly recharges your light and your heart batteries as you are asking to receive and to share with others.

“When you have genuine motivations in your heart, you will definitely be used for higher divine purposes and you will become a participant in many heavenly domino effects or chess games. Indeed, many of the divine orchestrations look like chess games of the highest level. Due to the unpredictability of the human free will, the Divine staff has to devise many case scenarios to help advance the planet toward Light and Life.

“In your movies, specialists in the interpretation of human behavior are being used to solve patterns of crime. In our reality, we have high intelligences literally brain storming to find ways to get their messages across to humanity through the willing participation of a few. The more you show consistency and steadiness in your character, your habits and life style, the more your status on the chess board will be upgraded to one of key position. Yet all the players are important as they protect one another and each one has a unique role to play.

“From the beginning of creation, the Life Carriers planned multiple possibilities for the development of the first human beings; they took into account the possibilities of accidents and mishaps triggered by the hazards of life on the planet. They had more than a Plan A. They had many back up scenarios so as not to delay progress.

“And this went on throughout history. When it was time for the Messiah to incarnate on the planet, again, based on the optimal genetic testing and psychological environments as well as cultural developments, a few potential individuals were preselected and placed in the pool of potential biological parents.

“Those are historical facts which have been brought to your knowledge. Yet there are a multitude of scenarios which are taking place at this time and have taken place throughout the long history of the planet and at many levels. The forces of Heaven are resourceful and they are determined and 100% committed through their own free will to help manifest the Father’s Will. The more humanity realizes the huge community support from other realms, the more human beings will become motivated to participate as they will become increasingly aware of the amazing transformative potentials of cooperation and collaboration with higher intelligences instead of being under the influence of widespread ignorance.

“The more you expand your mind through life changing spiritual insights and the more you put them into practice--with the purest intentions of service--the more you will align yourself in Oneness with all those who are working toward the same goals-- the Father’s goals. Your life is progressively acquiring a rich content, so rich that it has to be shared in joy and gratitude with others who are not tasting yet the true Freedom which comes with independent thinking and selfless service – the ultimate purpose of their existence. “

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