The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear Child, you just expressed that you are having receiver’s block. Any type of doubt creates a mental handicap, a type of brain freeze in other areas. You doubt that you are correctly receiving our input. You do know however that you placed your mind on the co-driver seat so as to allow us to speak to it unencumbered.

“This is what matters in the process--to take down our dictation, to go with the flow of words hitting your mind. Our job is to convey to you a meaningful lesson. If it fails to grab your intention, it is our job to flesh it out so that you see its meaning. Keep at it, dear child. This is how you will build your confidence level to the point when you will be able to completely bypass the phase of doubt which sometimes makes the process harder for you.

“Doubt is a little seed planted in the mind—a mental weed. It is best to pull it out as soon as you identify that it is hazardous to your peace of mind. Doubt engenders stress; stress generates inner tensions and discomfort. Why climb on this carousel while other more thrilling carousels are also available to you?

“Faith is the first step as it completely dissolves doubt. When faith steps in, doubt shrinks and disappears. Take any doubt arising in your mind as an opportunity to transmute them into faith.”

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