The Inner Sherpa



In medieval times, Companionship referred to a traditional system of knowledge transfer and vocational training anchored in companion communities. An aspiring companion traveled all over the country to receive professional training through a series of educational practices supervised by the community of craftsmen he wished to join. Following this period of companionship, the aspirant was accepted as a full-fledged companion, thus becoming qualified to participate in the training of future aspirants.

Thought Adjuster: “I am going to reveal to you a well-kept secret. The reason why it has remained hidden for so long from the human perception is that Lucifer and His partners-in-crime wanted it to be so to rob humankind from its God-given powers and privileges. They proceeded by throwing doubt on the Existence of the Anonymous Benefactor, calling Him a figment of fertile imaginations, a crutch, and much more. They bullied and ridiculed those who ‘knew better,’ and succeeded in spreading confusion and doubts in many minds, thus dividing to conquer.

“It took millenniums and a carefully orchestrated divine dispensation to steer your planet out of her spiritual darkness. A minority of ‘enlightened ones’ contributed to the survival of the only sustainable values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness that each human heart has been conceived to embody to thrive. It was countered by the malicious spreading of the debilitating ‘fear virus.’

Now, many proactively inquisitive souls have come to grasp to some extent their ‘energetic power.’ Indeed, everything boils down to energy. The question to be asked is what to do with it.

“Your thoughts and emotions are energies in motion. You are all subjected to their fluctuations. Far from being victimized by them, you need to learn to upgrade their quality, which is well within your realm of influence. Rather than ‘putting up’ with an unpleasant mental and emotional environment, why not revamp it? A potter’s raw material is a nondescript clump of clay. Will he succeed in shaping it into an attention-getting masterwork?

“By faithfully serving as an ‘apprentice in energy work,’ you will over time become a respected Companion, well versed in energetic transmutations that many would coin as ‘miracles.’”

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