The Inner Sherpa



“If the faith of the Most High has entered your heart, then shall you abide free from fear throughout all the days of your life.” [UB 1443:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the above quote gave you much food for thought. It would be a dream state for you to live fear-less and at first sight, it seems very unrealistic and out of your reach. Why is it so?

“Humanity has lived in fear pretty much from day one as it had to cope with an environment fraught with threats and where the main rule was the one of survival of the fittest. It was a necessary evolutionary step in order to bring forth human creatures of strong character and survival abilities.

“As evolution progressed, due in part to scientific discoveries, many of the fear-inducing natural phenomena found a logical explanation and their occurrences were no longer attributed to fear inspiring deities. Truth worked its liberating magic.

“However, mankind had to deal with an evolution of fear, so to speak. Due to the Lucifer Rebellion, much dysfunction took place in human relationships as well as in religious understanding. It took ages for the Golden Rule to be clearly articulated by Jesus—the Son of God and Son of Man. It is taking much longer for it to be put into practice by humanity in order to establish the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God—where brothers are no longer foes but cooperate and support one another.

“Just as Jesus lived in total faith as to the Father’s Vision for His life, so should you. Such a state of trusting surrendering eradicates fear from your inner world. It takes focused intention to get there as life is currently presenting you with many occurrences that are triggers for your innate fears. As you witness the many aspects of the planetary state of unease, you also have to acknowledge that they are signs of progress as they are now ‘undeniably’ coming to the light. Denial is a big obstacle to progress. Therefore, it is a positive factor of evolution that certain facts can no longer be ignored by the masses.

“The task at hand is of great magnitude. Yet, you only have a small part to play in that gigantic orchestration. The Father is the Commander in Chief and is perfectly equipped to devise strategies to win this battle of the ages. This is where your faith should be invested. Such a faith will override any doubts and any fears. “Faith, not Fear” is a wonderful mantra that can help you move forward whenever you cross treacherous territories where fear is lurking. Faith will be the light guiding your footsteps. Faith will be your life line connecting you to the Divine Powers that Be.”

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