Teacher: “Dear child, as you patiently wait for our morning input, it feels to you like you are wearing some spiritual hearing aidsthat need to be calibrated to the right frequencies so that you can receive without lower interferences. It is indeed very important to condition your mental space so that it is detached from its down-to-earth mode of thinking.
“At the beginning of that process, it is essential that you articulate your highest intentions in order to be guided to their manifestations. “Be careful what you wish for” can also be interpreted in a positive way: As you carefully select the highest level of spiritual input available to you, you are being connected to that level--provided that your emotions are not in the way as each emotion has a magnetic charge.
“A downtrodden individual will feel very out of place among joyful individuals as their upbeat emotions are at the antipode of the ones he experiences at the same moment. Unless that individual makes a conscious effort to disengage himself from his depressed thinking, he will “self-reject” from that group due to emotional incompatibility.
“The way out of such a situation is for that individual to be aware of his emotional state and to actively work at “raising his vibrations” by disengaging his mind from the negative thinking that is plaguing him. The practice of Gratitude is the “emotional booster shot” that will elevate that individual into positive emotions and change his outlook—like a heartwarming sunrise.
“Positive emotions are as contagious as negative ones—even more so, as they are attractive emotions while the lower emotions of depression are deterrents and tend to drive others away as they subconsciously do not want to be associated to and brought to their knees by such debilitating emotions.
“Use the power of your emotions wisely. By cultivating higher emotions in your being, you are purifying your own spiritual atmosphere and are creating a safe space for others to connect with you. You can then share with them the blue sky of your life as they will surely be led to wonder how your breathing space can be so pure while there is so much pollution elsewhere. This is another way for you to be a positive factor of change. All that it requires is the precise and determined setting of higher intentions.”