The Inner Sherpa



“Go seek for the sinners; find the downhearted and comfort the anxious.” [UB 138:6:4]

Thought Adjuster: “Jesus “was the pioneer of the new and better way to God, the way of faith and love.” [UB 138:6:4] In that sense, one could rightfully say that he was the human ‘founding father’ of the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Faith is the sacred link to the Father, and love is the transforming balm that softens human hearts toward one another.

Jesus came to meet an urgent need—not to satisfy unrealistic wants. He intervened on behalf of the sinners, which made him a savior. He comforted the downtrodden, which made him a motivational speaker. He reassured the anxious, which made him an emotional deliverer.

His teachings were both relevant and practicable. Despite his frequent cautioning not to pervert their rich content, his followers redirected the spotlight from them to turn it on a very reluctant Jesus.

Jesus said, “Follow me!”—not “Adulate me!” Had he done so, he would have behaved as an anti-Christ, betraying his sacred oath of bringing your world back to the Father’s fold. Isn’t it the very thing that caused Lucifer’s fall from grace and endangered the spiritual standing of his gullible and bedazzled fans, leading to nothing good.

If you wish to experience the genuine spiritual and emotional renaissance heralded by Jesus, join him in his uplifting service ministry. By having your heart in the right place, you will positively impact others’ quality of life.

Jesus always pointed to the many reasons one has to rejoice. He told everyone that they were loveable. By helping them view themselves in a better light, he activated them to higher dual service—self-service by correcting the errors of their ways and selfless service by taking the collective welfare into account when making decisions.

Live humbly—as Jesus did. Faith and love are the symbolic coat of arms of the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God and the leadership of Jesus—glorified weapons of mass construction.”

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