The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Free-Will and Willpower. So many impulsive decisions are made whenever the free will is used in the decision-making process without basing the decisions on deeper reflection. Many created beings have been endowed with free will so that they can be in charge of their lives and their God-given creativity. Yet, as you sadly witness on your planet, the outworking of misguided Free Will are very destructive. This demonstrates how important it is to attune your free will to the Divine Guidance that is at all times available to you.

“Jesus ‘mantra while He lived on this planet was “Father, may my will be to do Your Will.” This is the most powerful safeguard one could use in order to ensure that the Father can positively influence his/her life decisions. In order for your will to be in alignment with God’s will, you have to practice living with awareness. This is the reason why the planet is in dire need of a planetary-wide awakening as so many of its inhabitants are abusing of their free-will privileges. They are selfishly asserting their free will at the expense of others. Whenever your free will decisions and actions are detrimental to the welfare of others or go as far as depriving them of their own God-given will, you can be certain that they are not in alignment with the Father’s Will—a Love centered Will.

“This is where you will power comes into the picture. A random use of your free will for selfish purposes does not require you to activate your willpower as you are choosing a down spiral instead of an ascending one. The way of evil is truly a slippery slope, easy to engage upon but very hard to get out of. Your will truly has its own power that can be engaged by you anytime you desire to reset the direction of your free will toward higher goals and achievements.

“Think of a train that is about to leave the station. This train is dragging tons of weight and its engine has to be activated and accelerated in order for the train to start moving forward. It requires a huge force to bring it into motion. You could compare this with the activation of your will power. It is not a pleasant feeling at first as you are going against your inner resistance. You are setting a new destination for your inner life and you are applying the power of your will in order to bring about that inner shift.

“After gaining some momentum, the train acquires more and more speed until it reaches its cruising speed—a comfortable speed. As you are becoming more skilled at taking advantage of your will power, you will also experience that it requires less and less of it to follow your God-given intuitions. As you progress on that path, the rewards of being “in the flow” will by far compensate and exceed the initial effort that it took for you to switch your inner gears and move toward a life purpose that is love infused and no longer serving the selfish and unproductive desires of your lower self.

“Set high intentions and activate your willpower to start moving in their direction. This is how you grow; this is how you progress instead of stagnating or regressing. Test it for yourself and you will see the amazing life transformations that will take place in your life and the lifeof your close ones. Where there is a will, there is a way out of spiritual inertia."

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