The Inner Sherpa



“Association with one’s fellows is essential to the renewal of the zest for life and is indispensable to the maintenance of the courage to fight those battles consequent upon the ascent to the higher levels of human living.” [UB 1776:02]

“Let’s talk about Life Battles. To many struggling human beings, life indeed is a battlefield. On a physical level, your body is constantly under theattack of ever mutating strains of viruses, chemical agents and pollutants in the air you breathe, the water you drink, or the food you ingest. On an emotional level, your peace of mind is constantly challenged by the impact of immature relationships, the constant inflow of bad news, and rampant pessimism as to the future. The so called ‘developed’ countries are dealing with increasing challenges having to do with their growing disconnection from nature—from what is natural.

“Along the evolutionary road, many wrong turns have been taken and humanity needs to retrace their steps and finds their way toward a brighter future by making wiser and better informed decisions.

“Indeed, life presents you with a grueling obstacle course and many do not feel adequately equipped to aggressively tackle it and move forward. They passively stand by hoping that things will improve on their own—which is not realistic.

“You are making a multitude of decisions daily and each decision has an impact on the flow of your life as well as the bigger social picture. A soldier engaging in battle without adequate training is at great risk of becoming a casualty. Do you feel like a casualty of life or do you feel that you are God victoriously gaining ground and a surer footing through life ambushes?

“Those who live life with a victim mentality will keep falling victims of its circumstances by over focusing on their lacks rather than on their blessings. Those who courageously move forward with a winning attitude will master these challenges one by one—like the dragon slayers of olden tales. Eventually they will come to enjoy greater inner freedom and live their life to its fullest—becoming the mighty co-creators of a more pleasant reality.

“Life is a boot camp that frequently pushes you to your limits but also provides much needed R&R—opportunities to let off some steam, to release the stress, to shake the dust off your boots and take them off for a much deserved and needed respite.

“Dear ones, those moments of inner resourcing are very important as they allow you to catch your breath before you are sent out yet another time on one of your special assignments. Their rewards will be enduring as they sculpt your character into the beautiful and unique work of art you are meant to be. The Master Sculptor is the Father. He is birthing you out of the raw material you are made of. He is painstakingly chiseling the stone to bring forth your natural beauty.”

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