Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the mind is like a garden. At the onset of human life, the mind is fallow. The young mind is like a brand new plot whose soil is fertile but has yet to be cultivated. Which seedlings will be planted there that can one day bring forth the beautiful fruits of Spirit?
“In every garden, many environmental factors play a role in its landscaping. A variety of seeds are flown in by birds of many feathers or by the whims of the winds. Will they be seeds of goodness planted in these young lives by positive spiritual influences and inspiring human mentors? Or will they be the invasive weeds of misguided group consciousness that, if allowed to grow out of control, will take over the precious mental plot and choke to death the one of a kind seed that has been lovingly embedded by the Master Gardener in each individual soul to contribute to the breathtaking beauty of His Master Botanical Garden?
“Just as a gardener has to carefully separate the dangerous weeds from the prospective blooms, it is essential that human beings learn to carefully tender to their mental garden so as to promote its potential beauty and eradicate any detrimental influences. Time is another factor that is necessary to the safe implementation of this selection as many seeds do not reveal their true nature until the seedling has burst through its protective layer and reveals its true colors.
“There are many insidious influences in your world to which the mind is exposed. It is very important to live with awareness as to what you allow in your mental space as, if undetected, much distorted and unsound information could find its way in your mental space and contaminate its soil.
“You are the one in charge of your own mind. Why would you choose to divest yourself of that privilege and to allow sneaky lower vibrations to move into your being without exercising your God-given right of censorship? It would be like allowing viruses to take over your health without taking any preventive measures. Do you have a death wish?
“Dear ones, you are the gatekeepers of your mind. Are you designing an exotic garden filled with unique species and spellbinding fragrances? Or are you leaving your mind unattended and allowing untamed and wild invasive thoughts to depreciate its prime value so as to eventually take it over for their own misguided land development?
“The choice is yours. The power is yours. A beautifully landscaped mind is a mind that many would like to tour just as you enjoy visiting a botanical garden, patiently and meticulously landscaped by experts in their field. A beautiful mind brings forth a beautiful crop that can be shared to help awaken in other minds the desire to be as clear and productive. Give it a try and you will be amazed at the beautiful thoughts that will be born in such a mind that practices sound discernment.”