The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have been reflecting about the gratitude you feel about the air you breathe and the water you drink. These are some of the most basic needs for your physical being to be able to stay alive. Yet, most people only consciously think about them in time of lack. The Father takes care of His children’s need as each good father does on a lesser scale.

“When parents consciously co-create a child, they do it with love and foresight. They prepare everything to welcome the child in their lives: room, crib, clothing, etc. The only thing which will be required from the child, once it has become sufficiently mature, is to take good care of its personal environment.

“Such an appreciative behavior is also what is needed from each human being. Once you recognize how precious your environment is for all the creatures of this world, you have to treat it with the utmost respect and never deprive anything or anyone of their dignity. Dignity is another of God’s gift, bestowed on each one of His children. And yet, due to lack of maturity and selfishness, many humans are depriving others of their God given prerogatives and rights.

“As a light worker, it is part of your ministry to help your siblings remember how precious they are to their Creator. You can be a powerful activator in their lives as many need to hear that they have been wanted and that they are loved unconditionally – even though they may never have tasted such an unconditional love from their human siblings. The Father’s love does flow freely throughout the universe, as freely as the air you breathe and it is just as vital to sustain a human being.

“Nothing grows without love. Nature shrivels without water and the emotional body shrivels without love. All human beings need to understand that they are connected to the flow of divine love and that they are shown how to activate or expand the flow of Love through their being so that its voltage can increase slowly, but surely. Such an increase will ripple all over the planet and be the transformative force bringing it back to the loving fold of the Father.”

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