The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, I am translating you to the Father. I am forwarding to Him your love and heartfelt longing. I am the link between you and Him. I am the umbilical cord which, not only connect us, but also is your life line to the Father, our final destination.

“On the other hand, you are the Father’s mouthpiece to His children, whenever you allow the other end of the communication line to reach out to your brothers and sisters through your desire to serve the Father and your siblings. You too can be a connector, a go-between, a mediator, and an intercessor for others. Some of the earth children are good at articulating what they feel and what they think. Others are not as skilled and are grateful to have others speak in their name, and intercede for them until they become able to speak for themselves.

“Jesus was truly an intercessor for humanity to the Father. He was able to translate the human condition to the Father and to ask for mercy for their ignorant misdeeds. As a human being, Jesus was truly qualified to become a mouthpiece for humanity. As a divine being, he was also qualified to translate the Father to His earthly children, based on His own experience.

“The more you get to know the Father and the Creator Son and Infinite Spirit, the more you can make them approachable to others. Your quest is not a selfish quest even though it benefits you foremost. It is also a quest for others. You can become their ambassadors and speak for those who are not yet aware of their divine essence and co-creative powers.

“Give and take is truly what makes everything work at all levels. The key is to remove any roadblocks which prevent a smooth flow of divine energy. To pass forward what you receive is another wonderful activity of sharing and multiplying the goodness and the highest spiritual values. Not only are you ambassadors, but you are amplifiers as well.”

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