The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that the Paradise Father is LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY. He is totally devoid of conflict. He is absolutely unified. This is the ideal state of being that you will some day, in a far distant future, experience to the fullest once you qualify to stand in His Presence.

“Take the time to ponder these three divine attributes as they have been seeded in your being. Yet, due to your immaturity as an evolutionary being, you only get to taste each one of them very fleetingly and sporadically and not as a unified field of experience. What do I mean by that?

“Everyone longs to ‘feel’ true Love. Yet, very frequently, infatuation is mistaken for Love. It will eventually fade if it is self-centered, searching for personal gratification rather than the highest good of the loved one. Such an emotional attachment is not devoid of conflicts and challenges, as it is lacking the stabilizing elements of peace and harmony.

“Just the same, you may get to taste moments of wonderful peace when everything is in order in your inner world and when your whole being gives itself the permission to fully relax and enjoy the moment. Yet, such moments are fleeting as well, as you live in a very imperfect world that is constantly rocked by unexpected happenings—many of them life threatening. They frequently get the upper hand and rob you of your inner peace. This does not have to be, but it takes a lot of personal dedication to remain ‘peace-full’ in the midst of life’s upheavals.

“Peace is the ideal state from which to make decisions. Restlessness is not conducive to the best decisions as it contains an element of fear and fear is the worst personal adviser.

“The Father never withholds His Peace and His Love. They eternally flow from His open Heart—from the Isle of Paradise, the Center of All That Is. Whenever you feel that your inner peace is threatened, go within and quiet your mind. Empty it from your worries and anxieties so that you can tap into the cosmic Love and Peace. Your Divine Fragment will channel them to your weary heart and elevate your spirit. Become aware of your mental and emotional states as you go through your days and take every opportunity to practice expanding your inner peace. This will lead you to giant steps forward in your self-mastery and in opening the door to your dormant potentials that can only start growing under the right spiritual climate.

“Go in Peace. Live in Peace. Be Peace.”

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