The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk today about the heart/mind connection. Indeed, these two seemingly distinct functions of your being are meant to collaborate. Why is it so? They are each other safety valves, so to speak.

“A vast array of emotions can easily take over your heart and lead it astray if they are not wisely monitored from the mental bird eye view. Emotions at times override the faculty of sound reasoning and can generate disastrous misguided decisions.

“Similarly, an individual making life decisions from a purely intellectual perspective can strip them from the critical love element that is needed to make them sustainable. The Father’s Vision in everything He creates is wise and love-infused. This is the only way to manifest a harmonious cosmos—a cosmos devoid of contradictions and manifesting Truth from the Spirit, Goodness from the Heart as well as Beauty, their wished for offspring.

“By spending quiet time in the Stillness, you can get in touch with these nurturing values within yourself. State the intention to be guided in their activation and synchronization. Your heart and your mind are meant to be a team—a couple. Whenever they seem to conflict with one another is the best time to regroup internally and to honestly search for the cause of such inner discordance.

“At times, the leadings of your mind need to surrender to the love of your heart. At other times, your heart impulses need to be tempered by wise and informed mental guidance as your heart has not been meant to be an enabler. It has been meant to serve the highest good—yours and others. This requires much awareness and humility from both the heart and the mind so that they can be in mutual surrender as called upon by various life scenarios.

“Whenever your heart panics, your mind can calm it down by speaking to it soothing words of Truth and reassurance. Whenever your mind becomes too controlling, your heart can speak its own ‘mind’ to temper it. This is what a true partnership is all about. The positions of leader and follower are not static. Rather they are interchangeable in order to maintain a sound and productive equilibrium. Practice such awareness and see how it will transform the way you look at life and the decisions you are called to make.”

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