Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, there is acting out of love and there is acting out of LOVE. Your Master Jesus always acted out of LOVE—the Love He had developed for His Heavenly Father. This type of Love is not always understood by human creatures that are still functioning out of a place of self-love or selective love.
“Selective love is not unconditional love. It is frequently based on personal self-interest—on the “what is in there for me” question. Jesus’ Love was based on a much bigger measuring stick: “What is in there for the Father?” or “Would it get His seal of approval?” “Does it belong in His Divine Great Plan?”
“Such questions are not easy to ask,as the one who asks may not get the solicited approval. Love with “L” is not the love on the streets. This Love can only be discovered by the creature once it recognizes that it is part of the Greater Picture painted by the Great Spirit. It is His Project and it includes a multitude of smaller pictures—of facets of life, of contrasting colors. It is a huge fresco that spans upon past, present, and future as they are all attached to the eternal NOW moment. Yes, time is eternally in the now moment and all good can only be born in the Now.
“This is the reason why the Now has to be constantly cleaned from the errors of the past. A clean slate is a beautiful canvass filled with amazing potentials whereas a stained canvas is not the best background for a work of art.
“Many were not able to grasp the magnificent reality of Jesus’ Love for His Father. This relationship was constantly nurtured and expanded. Any Love relationship needs to be attended to as Love has to be nurtured—never to be taken for granted. True love is reciprocated Love—never a one-way street. Children are slowly learning that process of reciprocation and discover the joy of sensing the appreciative joy of their parents when they act out of love toward them or their siblings.
“True Love is easily identified as such as it shines like a diamond; it is an inspiration for others to emulate its brilliance and yet, it can appear to some that they may lose something in the process. This is so far from being the case. A Love upgrade is a beautiful and precious gift. It is like switching from an ordinary table wine to a wonderfully aged vintage whose bouquet developed over time. Work at the quality of your love, dear ones. Find your connection with the Source of Love and hook your human trailer to this powerful engine. Soon you will be infused with a stronger flow of Love that will guide your thoughts, feelings, and actions in new pathways.
“By Loving others as you would like to be Loved, you will be able to develop your skill of discernment. Some of Jesus ‘words or actions were misconstrued as they were measured with inaccurate human measuring sticks. Tough Love was assigned negative connotations while it is a very high and sacrificial form of love. Any parent will understand how difficult it is to be stern toward a misbehaving child. Good parenting demands that the parent sets limits to the child’s potentially harmful behavior. They have to refrain from showering the child with the love they feel in their heart and rather—out of this Love—they have to let the child gather his own precious learning experiences—under their watchful eyes.
“Jesus placed the Father’s love over everything as He well knew that such a LOVE was all encompassing. Turn to the Father whenever you find yourself in such emotional conundrums so that you can receive your inner guidance as you have been equipped with an inner compass that always accurately points the way to the Isle of Paradise—your intended destination. This is a reliable Love Compass.”