The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Let us talk about the Love of the Creatures. Any relationship is a two way street. This is what makes it a relationship, just like a conversation is a dialogue. If one individual does all the talking, it is a monologue and it does not benefit from the healthy flow of input and feedback from the other party.

“Heart relationships have to flow as well. Each time you engage yourself in a new relationship, you establish a circuit where two poles are connecting with one another, just as it occurs in the process of generating electricity. This is also how the Love Current can flow. Yet, there may be some lower interference needing to be purged from that relationship in order to optimize it.

“The Love you receive from Higher Realm is a purified form of Love. The Love that creatures return from their level of evolution of the heart undergoes many evolutionary facets—the love of the child toward the parent; siblings love; parental love, which is a more mature and unconditional form of love.

“However, the child reciprocates parental love in its childish but yet very touching ways. Such ways go straight to the parental heart. Love is Love—no matter under which shape and form it is delivered. The more you open your heart to the variety of these experiences of the heart, the more complete and rounded your Love will become: child to parent; child to siblings; child to friends; parent to child. The earthly experience of the expansion of the heart is what also allows you to taste Divine Love in increasing quality as such Love encompasses the whole creation and the sum of all loving relationships. Isn’t it mind-blowing to ponder that fact? All the Love ever expressed goes straight to the Father’s Heart as it is the very purpose of the whole creation—that each connection be love infused.”

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