The Inner Sherpa



“The wise man universalizes his heart. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Those who aspire to greatness must learn to humble themselves. […] He is a wise man who regards all parts from the point of view of the whole.” [UB 131:8:4]

Thought Adjuster: “Suppose a spare part of a complex apparatus was self-conscious. Which opinion would it hold of itself? If relegated to the dark confines of a junk drawer, wouldn't it be at a loss to make sense of its practical purpose?

When a glitch occurs in the machinery' smooth-running, on-site first responders investigate its causation and substitute the malfunctioning item with its corresponding spare part, whose activation would undoubtedly turn out to be a confidence-boosting event of self-discovery. Once inserted in its legitimate location, it will fall into natural alignment with its life purpose. Not only does it fit snugly in the machinery, but it also makes it operational. Such is its intrinsic value!

Do not view yourself as insignificant or superfluous. It is an insult to the intelligence of your Maker, who painstakingly and in minute details engineered and manufactured your little part, assigning it a cosmic purpose.

You may not yet have discovered your life purpose, which is a significant impediment in uncovering your intrinsic value. Rest assured: You serve multi-purposes since you operate at various levels. You can co-create with your brainpower, your emotional and sexual drive, and much more.

As you gain in personal appreciation, express gratitude for others' unique contributions—the heart-warming sunrays they beam into your life as the Father’s plan exclusively revolves around the manifestation of truth, beauty, and goodness—the fine arts of righteous living.”

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