The Inner Sherpa



“Always remember that God does not reward man for what he does but for what he is; therefore should you extend help to your fellows without the thought of rewards.” [UB 1452:03]

Teacher: “Dear child, you asked us to expand on the above quote. God is Love; Love is selfless. This is the short version.

“Selflessness implies giving from the self without expecting anything in return. This is foreign to many on your planet as monetary or other types of compensation are attached to the acquisition of things or services.

“What is there in it for me?’ is a question often heard as the desire for immediate gratification is often the driving force behind many deeds. This was never the attitude of your Master Jesus while He lived on the planet. This is not the type of example He came to set. His life was a life of Service—always looking for the greater good, never for self-gratification. He was looking for His Father’s interests and His question was: “What is there in it for the Father?”

“Financial gains were never involved. He and His disciples were sustained by donations or by their own labor. The recipients of His loving ministry were not discriminated against based on their social or financial status. He came to minister to the poor—whether poor in spirit or poor in the material sense. This is what true Love is all about.

“The Father always knows the intent of your heart. He is not fooled by hypocritical behaviors which may well fool your siblings. He is not fooled by your own self-deception. Your entire existence is about the development of your heart. Therein lays the natural reward of selfless service.

“What you do definitely impact others. Yet, the element of love that is invisible to the naked eye is detected by the heart. Many deeds look great on the surface but are lacking that precious element that gives them their true value in God’s Eyes. Many actions are coated with a fake veneer of love, a cheap knock-off version that would not pass muster if their underlying intentions were to be scrutinized.

“The value of an action is determined by its motivation. If you do good, expecting rewards, this is no longer 100% good as it is depreciated by the element of selfishness. However, until your heart instinctively and spontaneously takes the lead of your being, your mind has to compensate for the immaturity of your heart by setting the intention of ‘change’ within your being. The Practice of the Golden Rule may be at first an intellectual exercise for many but it will eventually take them into the wealth of their heart.

“The rewards of selfless love are manifold: Joy, happiness, gratitude, personal growth. They are the natural outworking of the Law of Cause and Effect. When you shower someone with Love, you will benefit from the energizing splashes of that very love and this will transform you as well. You will become a better person and this is what pleases God.”

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