The Inner Sherpa



Let us talk some more about the Power of Words. This is something that needs to be better understood in your world, as so many words are being thoughtlessly used as projectiles—at the antipode of the underlying Divine Intention behind the gift of your vocal chords.

“Everything started from the original Word—a word infused with high creative intentions, a word infused with Love, a word loaded with what you would consider as supernatural powers. Yet, the power of the word has been handed down to you for you to put it to good use—a constructive use, not a destructive one.

“Isn’t it time to be more conscious about the content of your words? Are they turning your mouth into a festering sewage or do you speak them with awareness and purpose so that they can have a positive ripple effect? So many words are being spoken impulsively and are generating a very sad state of affairs. Words are used for slandering, humiliating, bullying, inflicting emotional hurt, belittling. They cause great harm in many lives and even generations. Such a river of toxic words keeps polluting your world.

“What if? What if you put a dam on your lips—a flood control of sorts? What if you abstained from releasing in space words of low caliber? What if you became aware of the power of your words and only expressed words that are healing, uplifting, comforting, and beautifying? What if you scrutinized the emotional content of your words? Indeed, words are living entities. They are your offspring. Which type of DNA do they release into in the world?

“This world needs ‘word-environmentalists’! Indeed, the emotional climate has to be protected. If you only could see the frequencies and vibrations that you release through the spoken word, you would be much more selective as to what you permit to pass your lips.

“In some of your fairy tales, frogs and snakes pour out of the mouth of the ‘bad’ guys, while rose petals come out of the mouth of the ‘good’ ones. This indeed can be a great visual aid for your own benefit. Learn to tame your unruly emotions before they coat the words escaping through your lips. Practice self-awareness and this will contribute to your self-control. Just as your highways display ‘no littering’ signs, you too need to refrain from littering your environment with verbal graffiti. Instead, dip your words in love, respect, compassion, and empathy—as Jesus did while he dealt with similar challenges as the ones you are facing.”

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