The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk today about Imagination. What is the purpose of Imagination? It is to co-create in Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Animals have not been gifted with this Godlike capacity to imagine and co-create. It could be considered as a huge leap of faith from the part of the Father Himself to endow His immature children with Imagination as well as Free Will—like gifting them with a box of crayons and a coloring book and taking the chance that they may draw graffiti on the walls rather than practicing on the images of the book.

“Such amazing gifts reveal the Vision He entertains for each one of His human offspring. Without Imagination, there also would be no resourcefulness to develop creative solutions to the many problems and challenges of life. Without Imagination, Progress and evolution would be at a standstill.

“Your imagination allows you to ‘envision’ possibilities and to engage your will power to manifest them, if you chose to follow through. The whole creation is the fruit of the Divine Imagination. However, on your planet, its integrity has been tempered with by misguided agendas and their fruits are far from being the fruits of Spirit. Selfishness, greed, power hunger, grudges, resentments, jealousy… are the weeds of the Lucifer rebellion—the graffiti on the planetary walls.

“You have been created to imagine and manifest Beauty on the foundation of Truth and Goodness. Go within and conduct an inner review of what drives your life decisions at this very moment of your life. Are you manifesting these beautiful co-creative values or are you contributing to the brew of festering lower emotions, devoid from the rich flavor of Unconditional Love?

“The electoral campaign that is currently ‘raging’ in the United States is a perfect example of a very serious state of affairs where lies, defamation of character, unfounded rumors are detrimentally impacting the full disclosure of truth as to the achievements or lack thereof of the candidates. Actions always speak louder than words and ‘at their fruit you shall recognize them.’ Wishful thinking and lack of humility also prevents one to surrender to the truth. It results in cover ups, sins of omission, or acts of iniquity intent on tempering with the truth rather than exhibiting the nobility of character that it requires to admit to it.

“Dear ones, rather than contributing to the disheartening emotional chaos that this nation is currently experiencing, what if you decided to ‘detoxify’ from all these spiritual pollutants? Turn off your electronic devices and switch your inner communication line with your Divine Informant who will never betray your confidence. Ask to be nudged in the right direction—the direction that shows the way to Light and Life, the direction that has a bright future. Isn’t it more important to act as Christ would act than to lower your standards to participate in the ongoing mudslinging that spreads much ugliness instead of fostering harmony?

“Learn to handle the power of your imagination carefully. Use it to come up with solutions—‘soul-utions’—rather to contribute to the ambient confusion. Jesus Himself refused for good reasons to express His opinion as to the political affairs of His time. Earthly matters are ever changing but His life impact on the planetary welfare was meant to be of eternal import and to always point the way to the higher route of conflict resolution. After all, you are spiritual beings dealing with human and very down to earth matters. Your attitude and your prayers can have more impact than your votes as they will open the door to your receptivity to higher guidance. Isn’t it much needed right now?”

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