The Inner Sherpa



“The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibition of creature willingness to share the inner life with God….” [UB 1221:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that the Stillness Practice is the true meaning of Communion with Spirit. How can you learn about God’s Vision for your life if you do not spend any time communing with Spirit and listening to Its inner leadings and teachings.

“Communion is all about Communication—whether it is verbal or silent. In order to access that place of comfortable togetherness, you may want at first to express the deepest longings of your soul and your most intimate thoughts. This is how you establish meaningful friendships. They go deep, beyond the surface. They allow you to ‘express’ thoughts or feelings that you have not felt comfortable so far to share with anyone. Human friendships feel safe; what about your friendship with Spirit?

“Don’t you think that such a relationship could be taken to a much deeper level—to the core of your being? What a release and a relief it would be to be able to truly share who you are without holding anything back? Spirit is indiscriminately accepting all of you at any given moment. Spirit will never shame you or guilt you. Spirit is Love—unconditional Love.

“Wouldn’t then time spent communing with Spirit be the most precious investment of your time? Wouldn’t such an unconditional acceptance appease your whole being? Your best friendships can only go so far. Friendship with Spirit goes a long meaningful way and will be nurtured throughout eternity.

“A budding friendship at first, it will grow into a deeper relationship after the initial pleasantries put you at ease; Spirit is listening and also infusing your being with Its uplifting and enlightening Presence. Why would you chose to ignore such a golden opportunity and turn your back on such a genuine “Peace Offering”—opening your being to the Peace that Passes All Understanding, a peace that very few gets to taste but that is available to all and has the power to transform you from within?”

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