The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought just came to your mind that when you think big, you can manifest big; when you think small, you manifest small. Such is the power of your thinking and visioning. Any creation starts with a vision—an imaginative process. The initial vision has to be polished in the mind—drafted and redrafted. It has to take into account a variety of practical elements needed for its manifestation.

“Once you have acquired a clear mental picture of your creative objective, you can roll up your sleeves and get to work in order to bring this mental picture down to earth—in order to render it visible in your physical reality.

“The Father uses a variety of paint brushes and paint strokes. Some are huge and some are tiny. Yet, if you zoom on the minute strokes, you will see how hugely intricate and fascinating they are. This is how the macro- and micro-universes came into being. Human beings do not fathom the magnitude of their imaginative power and frequently do not dare entertain big visions for their life. They suffer from identity crisis, lack of confidence, underutilized imagination. They are amnesiac as to their true nature. One thing is certain: A co-creator has definitely been endowed with creative powers.

“How do you reconnect with your true being? Embrace any opportunity toexpress your inner beauty—to bring it to the outside so that it can contribute to the Master Work that is being created by the collaboration of zillions of gifted creatures. Even if you consider yourself as an insignificant little ant, you do have your work cut out as an ant and each tiny worker counts for a colony of ants to move a mountain.

“Do not underestimate your powers. Acknowledge them as they come to your consciousness and consecrate them to the highest good. This will guarantee that they will be used in alignment with Love. Love has to be the activator of any co-creative process as it guarantees that you are contributing to the beautification of your world. This is how the Father programmed His entire creation. A Love Chip has beenembedded in each creature. All it takes is to activate it and allow it to override any loveless decisions. Call upon Me as I am the One who will help you override the defective programs of your being.”

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