The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, each new situation out of the ordinary opens the door to new experiential levels, as well as new challenges. Whenever you set your mind to keep moving forward, you may be faced with a new obstacle course designed to awaken in you new strength of character. Do not look at obstacles with resistance and reticence. Instead, consecrate your being to do your best in order to figure out how to rise to such new challenges.

“There are so many skills to be learned, practiced, and mastered in order to take you to a place of greater cosmic service. There will be so many chapters in your eternal life upon which you will fondly look back. Each new situation is a teacher as it does present you with a new lesson, a new topic, to be investigated. Experiential knowledge occurs at so many levels.

“The first level is within your physical being. Babies have to get in touch with their physical body and it demands quite a few months or years of basic physical orientation. Once children learn to walk independently, other levels of their education are being automatically initiated. As they become conscious of their autonomic will power, they are then faced with learning to find a balance within their emotional beings. Little ones are known to throw temper tantrums around the age of two. It is when they come into their own.

“This should actually be ground for celebration, rather than concerns from the part of the parents. This is also where they need to step up to a different level of teaching in order to help the child navigate these new emotions and draw profit from that process. Many powerful emotions have to be tamed like wild horses; they have to be domesticated, so to speak. This process will be a lifelong process in the learning of self-mastery. Such a process simultaneously opens the door to the spiritual level of one’s life. A successful parent/teacher has to integrate all these levels in the education of the child. This is the reason why it is so important to introduce the child to the Stillness. Such a Stillness practice will be a lifelong resource for the children as it will lead them to a place of inner calmness from which they can be guided to evaluate their occurrences.

“Successful parental teachers provide their children with these amazing tools and teach them how to use them, instead of stunting their spiritual growth by over controlling their lives.

“Experiential practice is the homework that needs to be performed by whoever wishes to become a teacher as it provides the How to Do aspect of the lesson, rather than just offering an intellectual lesson. Practice is what validates the value of the lesson as each lesson has to have practical applications. It would otherwise be useless.

“Human beings are gifted with many Assistant Teachers; they can call upon them to provide them with the needed insights and understanding. This is how growth occurs.”

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