The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Whenever you feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges, you make it through by affirming the ‘This too shall pass’ adage. You know by experience that periods of recuperation will ensue, infused with lighter-heartedness.

When the going gets rough, you tend to unconsciously hold your breath, which adds to your state of inner tension. When the cloud cover dissipates, you naturally exhale and relax. Consciously tapping into the positive qualities of your breath will assist you in coping with a serious situation.

Your way of thinking is also a major influencer: How do you approach the situation at hand? Which stance do you adopt toward it? Your take on things determines the quality of your emotions: faith or fear? optimism or pessimism? This decisional snowball effect affects your ability to respond.

Fear pertains to the future while faith is a moment-to-moment decision that has the power to move mountains of worries. Its laser beam focus pierces through tumultuous emotions and disarms them. Jesus always operated on faith, injecting it into each present moment, ever remaining in the flow of divine guidance.

Faith is the white cane guiding those who believe without seeing—the ‘Agodonters.’ As they progress toward the Promised Land illuminated with truth, beauty, and goodness, their increasing ‘in-sights’ restore the inner vision their gestational soul was lacking. Faith is a spiritual training wheel that helps you keep your inner balance until you get your sea legs.”

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