The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us first speak about Hope. What is Hope? Hope is a driving force of its own. Hope is always connected with positive vibrations as it pertains to an improvement to a specific situation or condition.

“Many on this planet have lost hope and are living in a state of passive resignation. It is a sad state of affairs as it does not serve the soul evolution. Hope and Faith are siblings, almost identical twins. You hope for something and you have faith that it will take place. You hold a vision in your mind and you faithfully believe that it will be manifested some day. Hope points to the wished for outcome and faith propels you in that direction.

“From my perspective, I hope that we will fuse some day and I have faith in your ability to get to that wished for point of fusion. I am of divine essence and I KNOW. Knowingness is the certainty that what you wish for is going to be manifested in reality. I AM and I KNOW. Your life experiences will take you to that place of knowingness and you will no longer need extraneous validation as your own experience will validate what you know.

“Hope, Faith and Knowingness are different steps on the ascension ladder. You hope that it will be lighter at the top of the ladder. You step higher and higher in faith and you eventually get to the Light and know deep within that it is real and that the journey was worthwhile.”

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