The Inner Sherpa



“When reason once recognizes right and wrong, it exhibits wisdom; when wisdom chooses between right and wrong, it demonstrates spirit leading.” [UB 1142:01]

Thought Adjuster: “It is said that, when a child turns seven, he has reached the ‘age of reason’, which makes sense from the perspective of the above statement. In these days and times, many little ones precociously reach such a state of inner development, as great progress has been made through the legacy of previous generations.

“Indeed, when a child develops the ability to ‘reason’ on his own, the soil of his mind has been sufficiently fertilized to prompt Me to descend from My Observation Deck and indwell this promising young mind, since it has demonstrated its soundness—an essential prerequisite for My indwelling.

“Yet, it does not suffice to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. You have to act accordingly, consistently favoring right over wrong, thus following the subtle and all-wise leadings of Spirit. Human beings are called daily to make staggering amounts of moment-to-moment decisions that not only shape their day but define both their persona--impacting them in body, mind, and soul—and the quality of their human experience.

“Spirit, in Its rich combinations, is there to lead you—never to mislead you. If you choose to ignore Its leadings, It will loyally standby to help you pick up the broken pieces of your faulty decisions. The reset button of reason will be pushed and, with the right attitude, you will extract the precious nectar of wisdom from such an episode.

“Dear ones, if you wish to live a rich spiritual life, follow the leadings of Spirit! The Spirit of Wisdom, together with the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit, are here to prep you for your next class in Divinity—the one taught by the Spirit of Worship.”

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