The Inner Sherpa



Monjoronson: “Dear One, as you are intending to connect with me, know that you already are connected. Each heartfelt intention is like the key needed to magically open the door to the individual connection and relationship wished for. Your intention is the catalyst for activating the manifestation of that intention. This is the reason why it is so important to use deep discernment before to participate in such activation.

“You read in The Urantia Book about some of the miraculous manifestations of healing or food that Jesus brought about by feeling deep in his heart the desire to respond to others’ needs. It happened before he even could become conscious of what the love in his heart had activated.

“As human beings, you are endowed with the same power of wishful thinking – or I would rather say wishful feeling. Feeling is the substance in which the intention should be wrapped as it is its activator--the catalyst--for its manifestation. There is always a direct relation of cause and effect between thinking – feeling – and manifesting the outcome.

“Human beings create without higher intentions and this is the reason why they are manifesting unwanted outcomes in their lives and on their world. If your heart is self-centered, you will only manifest separation. The heart is meant to be the relational bridge between all that is. If your heart does not act as a bridge but sees itself as a self-protective fortress, it will prevent the give and take--the life giving exchange of love energies that are endowed with optimal creative powers and can manifest LOVE – Love being the result of the trinity of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

“The heart is at the core of your being, God’s heart is at the core of the creation. Use your heart’s impulses wisely so that you can become the wise co-creator of a better world. Manifest truth, beauty and goodness through your actions and you will be in alignment with the guidance of the inner Presence within you. Each individual Thought Adjuster is guiding his charge into alignment with these higher values; this will unfailingly result in harmonious relationships with All that Is.”

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