The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, as a Circle of Teachers, we are focusing on the expansion of your intellectual grasp of spiritual values. A Teacher is a truth revealer and a sharer of wisdom. The truth has an intellectual content but it is completed by the experiential wisdom of the Teachers. Like you, we are experiential beings and we volunteer to assist our ascending siblings as we wish to be of service with our hard earned wisdom.

“As you progress in your inward ascension, you master more and more of your life lessons and the curriculum moves on to other areas in need of expansion. As our request to be of service is being honored, we take very seriously the task at hand and we are well informed of your personal development, of the questions you wish for us to answer and of your actual needs. Based on all these factors, we prepare our lessons for you. We also take into consideration the needs of those you will share these transmissions with.

“Haven’t you noticed how much you benefit from the transmissions of others? Human beings are very similar in their mental make-up and, as you set your eyes on eternity and you become more introspective and caring about others, we are here, together with your Divine Fragment, to encourage you forward in the process.

“Just as children of the same age usually experience similarities in their growth, the same happens to the spiritual development of many awakening human beings. They become aware at the same time of new areas of their life where mastery is needed. We are here to assist you in that process so that you can be equipped with the appropriate spiritual tools to resolve the sticky situations you are confronted with in your life.

“A short lesson is often more powerful than a long winded one as the attention span of the student may be limited. We try to convey to you the essence of the lesson and it is your job to expand upon it, to flesh it out so to speak. Through your own homework, you integrate the meaningful part of the lesson in your own inner world; you validate it by practicing the lesson over and over until you master its content and are ready to move on to next one and the next one.”

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