The Inner Sherpa



“The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them.” [UB 1766:04]

Thought Adjuster: “The Heavenly Father is a God without Borders. What do I mean by that? He is universal, infinite, and eternal—His Presence pervades time and space and beyond. Yet, because of the finite human mind and its naturally limited capacity to grasp infinity, many limitations have been projected on the Infinite Being, in the same manneras you divided your planet with a multitude of artificial borders. Thus doing, you no longer perceive her oneness.

The time has come to forget about the man-made concepts of boundaries—the self-limiting ones that overlook the incommensurate power of your imagination and potential creativity; and all the other limitations and boundaries that keep dividing what should be indivisible. This is how your world came to exhibit a split and very conflicted personality, so to speak.

Your God is without borders. As well, He does not discriminate. He fancies and favors all of you—no exception, as He is Infinite Love. Indeed, unconditional Love is infinite. Ponder this for a moment and it will make you realize that your ability to love is truly in its infancy.

Love acts because it is a powerful impulse of the heart. Yet, many of you control this godlike impulsion and pull back. Why would you be afraid to follow the leadings of your heart? Is it because you fear to lose something in the process? Indeed, you do lose something when you refrain from loving. You lose the many opportunities to experience Oneness—within and without yourself. Oneness is your destination. Why delay the inevitable? Why slow down the process of which you are one of the main beneficiaries? This is what you lose in the process of restricting the flow of your Love.

Dear ones, as you go through your day, monitor the flow of your love. Become aware of the moments when you hold back and close the dams of your heart. Strive to override this pattern and you will witness a huge shift in your life’s experience. Just as the Father’s Heart, your heart has an infinite capacity to love.”

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